Monday, December 26, 2011

Home Energy Independence

Energy independence for the home is very possible, even for the average person. Even though mainstream thinking has it as being very expensive and requiring a lot of technical skills, this is not the case. The necessary equipment can be made by most people and the components that can't, are much less expensive than most people realize and may already be available amongst things right at home.

It is possible to build the items necessary for home energy independence right from materials easily acquired at a local auto scrap yard, your local builders supply or hardware store.

Solar panels can be made simply from some plywood, insulation and an old window. A hot water heater from the same items plus some copper tubing.

Photo voltaic or P.V. cells for producing electricity recently have been produced less expensively making it a more practical option for the home builder to make his or her own electricity producing panels.

Wind generators can be made very simply by following instructions to show you how to arrange magnets on a metal plate, and attach a shaft with a home made stator, bearings and blades yourself. Then build a tower, wire it all up and anybody can achieve energy independence for the home.

Energy is getting more expensive every day

We have recently seen the cost of crude oil rise and not at a rate that many people are able to keep up with. This has had an impact on the cost of our home energy needs.

In the near future costs of energy are going to rise even more some what due to crude oil prices but also because we need to find alternative ways to get the energy we need and our government is going to take actions to make that happen which will inevitably cause prices to rise.

Solar and wind energy is the way for the home

I recently read that "the amount of energy the earth gathers from the sun in one second amounts to the same amount of energy we use from burning fossil fuels in a year.

That is a mind blowing statement, and a good reason to look to the sun to help us as home owners to reach a state of home energy independence.

Using the available resources from the sun and wind with the right instructions it is possible for any one to power their home using green renewable energy methods. It can be a fun and satisfying experience to build and put into production your own hand made energy producing components and make your way to home energy independence.

Hot air solar panels can be made at home cheap

A hot air solar panel is the easiest of all. With a sheet of ply wood or even

Styrofoam sheets arranged the right way with an old window or a sheet of Plexiglas you can have a space heater that works on sunlight. All you need to do with the right instructions is lean it against the house in the right place and your are on your way to energy independence for your home.

Hot water solar panels can also be made at home

A solar hot water heater can be made from some 2x4's, a sheet of ply wood, a sheet of foam insulation, some copper tubing, black paint and Plexiglas.

Following the right instructions to assemble these items and connecting the resulting panel to the hot water tank can greatly reduce if not eliminate the cost of heating hot water.

Electricity producing solar panels by the home owner

Electricity producing solar cells have recently become a lot less expensive thanks to a new method of producing them.

It is a relatively simple process to solder them together in an array on a panel made by you and then wired up to begin making your own electricity from the sun.

A home made wind generator is also possible

A home made wind generator is not that hard a task to accomplish. With the right set of plans anybody can make one from parts found at a local auto scrap yard and the hardware store, some things you may already have.

A few of the right type magnets arranged correctly on a metal plate and mounted on a shaft and bearings from a junkyard with a set of blades made from some 2x6's or pvc pipe and an old TV antenna tower and you are making your own electricity.

The time for home energy independence is now

Recently the E.P.A. announced that Co2 (carbon dioxide) is harmful to humans, animals, and the environment. This gives them the authority to do what is necessary in order to control its production.

What this means to the average consumer is the cost is going to rise, because the E.P.A. will inevitably raise the taxes on those companies that produce Co2 to influence them to reduce the amount they produce.

In turn the energy producing companies will pas the increases down to you the consumer so they can remain in business, so the time for home energy independence is now.

In conclusion I believe that home energy independence is not only achievable but necessary. It is an opportunity for the average home owner to do something that not only will help the environment but will help him or her financially and it can be done easily and inexpensively. Also doing this can be enjoyable, it is amazing to see how easy this really is and how satisfying it can be as well.

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